mii-chi 10 pillars

our lifestyle has a hugely positive or negative impact on our emotional, physical and mental well-being 

the key to long term health and happiness is to do more things that help us rather than harm us

sometimes it’s hard to know what choices to make, or we can feel overwhelmed by having to make what appear to be big changes to our lifestyle

the reality is by even making small changes to our lifestyle we can start to make a positive difference to our well-being

the mii-chi 10 pillars deliver the latest scientific insights and practical guidance, inspiring you to make make informed lifestyle choices from the moment you wake to the moment you go to sleep 

over time these choices will become healthy lifestyle habits, helping your mind and body to re-balance, repair and rejuvenate

the mii-chi 10 pillars teach you how to harness the power of the simple things we should all do everyday

breathing, smiling, scanning, moving, hydrating, nourishing your body, nourishing your mind, focusing, relaxing, sleeping

micro-changes to your lifestyle

macro-change to your life