practising mii-chi helps to

reduce the symptoms of stress: relieve anxiety, improve sleep, ease aches & pains, reduce mood swings, improve energy levels and improve the immune system

improve all areas of executive functioning of the brain: cognition, the ability to sustain attention, working memory, visuospatial processing and the ability to build deep connections

replace habitual thinking with insightful thinking by stimulating the creation of new neural pathways

replace harmful lifestyle habits with new lifestyle habits that will help your emotional, physical and mental well-being

mii-chi works alongside modern medicine and in harmony with traditional healing therapies and practices

what people say

“I feel alive for the first time in ages”

“I’ve tried other meditation apps but the mii-chi app really works for me”

“I'm excited to get up in the morning, I'm full of energy”

“I have been experiencing peace and clarity lately”

"I can't stop smiling”

“The mii-chi app is so easy to use, I felt it working from day 1”

“I've had other energy healing before but that was so much more powerful”

“Since using the mii-chi app my stress levels have gone right down and I’m sleeping so much better”

“Wow! The mii-chi ride was amazing. I feel like a new person!”

“The mii-chi workshop was great, you made it easy to understand and very practical.”

“I really dig the mii-chi app, I’m telling all my friends about it”

the mii-chi benefits go further than the individual

mii-chi is totally committed to making the world a happier place 2 people at a time 

for every mii-chi app subscription mii-chi will give a free subscription to a person in need 

mii-chi will work with charities and organisations in the UK with the aim of helping people all around the world to have a happier and healthier life

helping others feels good

it boosts our self-esteem, gives us a sense of purpose and improves our own feeling of well-being