grounded in 5 core scientific principles

working with the natural rhythm of your body through homeostasis and entrainment, and in harmony with neuroplasticity, circadian rhythm and epigenetics, mii‑chi is a unique and powerful self-healing practice


homeostasis is the continual process that our brain and body go through to re-balance our physiological systems including:

body temperature, blood sugar level, blood pressure, cortisol production, the pH balance of the body


entrainment helps us to understand the biological rhythms of the human body

it happens all around us, occurring in the principles of physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, psychology and sociology

‘everything in life is vibration’

Albert Einstein

we, and everything around us, live in a constant state of vibration and vibration requires energy

the stresses and pressures of modern life cause blockages in our natural energy flow, affecting our emotional state, our physical health, our mental state and our overall sense of well‑being

entrainment helps to keep all our vibrations synchronised allowing our energy to flow


science has shown us that the brain is malleable and changeable throughout adult life, no-matter what our age or health

physical injury can cause the brain to build new neural pathways but we now know that new neural pathways can also occur due to changes in our thinking, environment, emotions and behaviour

neuroplasticity, however, is a two way street

negative thinking, environment, emotions and behaviour create deep routed negative responses — creating a vicious circle

positive thinking, environment, emotions and behaviour create deep routed positive responses — creating a virtuous circle

circadian rhythm

circadian rhythm is the mechanism that controls the 24 hour clock of all forms of life

it works in harmony with the world’s rotation and the natural light-dark cycle

it is our body’s ingrained primordial and universal code to being healthy

every biological function has a natural time, set by our circadian rhythm body clock

the demands of modern day living and poor lifestyle choices, disrupt our natural rhythm

disruption of circadian rhythm is linked to a whole array of chronic diseases and conditions including:

insomnia, depression, anxiety, migraine, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, asthma, hypertension, respiratory disease, chronic inflammation, gastro-intestinal problems, dementia, cancer and early death

maintaining circadian rhythm is fundamental to your emotional, physical and mental well-being


it’s all too easy to blame our genes for the way we are

since their discovery we were told that we are the product of our genes, and our genes couldn’t change

but in recent years we have come to understand that we can influence our genes by our behaviour

epigenetics has shown our genes are a series of two way switches

turn them on and they become active

turn them off and they become dormant

our lifestyle choices are the switches that turn them on and off