mii-chi sessions

a mii‑chi session is an immersive multi-sensory experience which goes beyond meditation

it can be self-practised using the mii-chi app, or given as a mii-chi treatment by a mii-chi practitioner or practised in guided mii-chi or mii-chi move studio classes

unique fusion

mii-chi is a unique fusion of 6 core elements: mindfulness, conscious breathing, visualisation, colour healing, sound therapy and gentle touch

each element is a powerful healing practice in its own right

unlocks and re-balances

this powerful fusion helps you to self-heal, by unlocking your natural energy flow and re-balancing your mind and body


at its heart mindfulness is about being aware of and accepting our thoughts, our feelings, our sensations and our environment, on a moment by moment basis without judgement

all too often we get stuck reflecting on the past or projecting to the future, rather than being present in the moment

mindfulness helps us to put everything into perspective, making us more aware and more compassionate, but the benefits to our health, both physical and psychological go so much further

conscious breathing

correct breathing is fundamental to our well‑being

every time we breath we are telling our mind to either put our body into a relaxed state, or a stressed state

performing slow and deep diaphragmatic breathing into our belly puts us in a relaxed state

performing fast shallow breathing into our chest puts us in a stressed state

sadly most people don’t breathe correctly, consequently they live in a constant state of stress, to them a stressed state is a normal state


every action of our body is governed by our mind

when used properly visualisation techniques can have a huge positive outcome on our emotional, physical and mental well-being

it’s a case of what the mind believes, the body achieves

colour healing

colour healing is an holistic, non-invasive therapy that has been practised for thousands of years

every colour has its own unique wavelength, frequency and vibration, creating its own light energy

light energy is absorbed by, and affects, all living cells

the 7 main colours of the spectrum combine to make white light and when used individually or collectively they can help to re-balance the natural energy flow of the body

sound therapy

sound therapy works on the principle that different sound frequencies create correspondingly different vibrations and energy flows, which can help repair damaged tissues and cells within the body

increasingly sound is being embraced by scientists and the medical profession, by applying it in therapeutic ways to treat a variety of conditions

the music used in the mii‑chi practice is unique to mii‑chi

it’s based on learnings from over thousands of years as to how different tones and frequencies affect us both emotionally and physically

the music tracks can be used individually to focus on specific needs or collectively, flowing together, to give a complete holistic self-healing treatment

gentle touch

gentle touch is arguably the oldest form of traditional healing

giving a reassuring touch or a hug to someone can trigger a neural pattern of comfort and affection

in the same way that we can do this for others, we can do it to ourselves

we instinctively use gentle touch to alleviate pain, but the healing qualities of touch go much deeper

touch reduces cortisol levels, lowering stress and anxiety

touch has been proven to boost the immune system, slow the progress of disease, accelerate wound healing, lower blood pressure, reduce inflammation and improve sleep

touch also brings a focus to a specific part of the body, promoting blood flow to the area, which in turn helps the body to heal itself

through a variety of hand techniques and applying pressure or movement, mii‑chi delivers a new dimension in self-healing